Thursday, May 19, 2011

another year in 3D

If you happened to spend any time with Will and I over the past month, chances are you heard us talking about what to do with the end of our lease, which is coming up this August. We've visited a few apartments in the area, and talked our way through endless pro and con lists.Our choices were pretty much between three options: move to a equal-quality complex right next door for a minimal rent increase with in-unit laundry, move to a very nice complex in the city next to ours (Ann Arbor) for a substantial rent increase, or stay where we are. We've pretty much decided, after lots and lots of conversation, to re-lease for a third year in our current apartment. When we started looking at places a few months ago, we had no intention at all of staying, since I really wanted in-unit laundry. I like everything else about where we are though, so literally the only reason we would be going through the hassle of moving and the rent increase would be laundry, which I've decided I can put up with not having for one more year.

Since we're staying here, we both have been thinking about what we would like to do to make this a place we like even more. We're giving up some little things by not moving "up", but I think it will be worth it, especially with some extra cash each month. As our decision is becoming more and more solid, I'm getting more and more excited. I'm looking forward to another year here and thinking about plans to make our home an even nicer place to be.

 Some things on my mind for the next year:
  • Doing lots of planting out on the balcony! When I planned on moving out in August, I thought this summer's planting would be minimal so there wouldn't be lots of heavy pots to move.

  • Re-decorating the bedroom. When we first moved in, I painted an accent wall in the bedroom that ended up being a color I really wasn't too fond of. It was supposed to be steel blue, but looked almost periwinkle. I disliked it so much that one day several months ago I decided spur of the moment to paint over it with some off white paint from my mom. It's been boring and lacking any real cohesiveness ever since. Because I thought we were moving, I had been holding off with my plans to re-decorate until August. Now I don't have to wait! Get ready for paint, wall art, curtains, some new furniture....I'm so excited :-)

  • Getting organized! Our apartment has a lot of storage space, but two years worth of stuff starts to accumulate with no great place to go. I'd like to organize all of our closets by the end of the summer.

  • Some more long term ideas include either a new couch (a sectional that could replace our current couch and chair), or a love-seat (that would replace our current chair), and a tv for the bedroom. Those are things to save up for though, so definitely not soon.

This place really has become home for Will and I (and Mango, too!). I'm excited to see where another year takes us :-)

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