Friday, December 3, 2010

Friday freedom!

Today is my first internship free weekday since early September, and it has been great. I put off lots of clutter and cleaning around the apartment over the last week or so, knowing I would have time for it soon, and now I do. I organized our pantry closet, cleaned the kitchen, de-cluttered the bathroom, dining room, and living room, and made breakfast. It's amazing what 11 hours of sleep will motivate you to do!

I've decided to make a health goal every week, and really focus on one area of being healthy in some way. This week, I decided to eat lots of leafy greens. I started last Saturday, when I bought a bunch each of kale and red chard, and a bag of spinach leaves. Lots of greens! I've been incorporating them in various ways; my favorite is in the form of a smoothie, which is what I did this morning.

Kath over at Kath eats real food makes lots of green smoothies, so she is always getting me in the mood for them! I've also gotten way more into smoothies this week since I've been using my new immersion blender (a gift from Will). It is so much easier than a regular blender, because I can use the cup that it came with to blend and drink from, and put the mixing end in the dishwasher.

I just layer the following ingredients into the cup, and blend away:
  • a splash of orange juice (for liquid,and vitamin C which helps your body absorb the iron in leafy greens)
  • a handful of spinach
  • a handful of kale (in this picture, it's the leafy purple stuff)
  • some frozen raspberries
  • a little less than half a container of Fage plain greek yogurt (I hated plain yogurt until I tried Fage's)
  • half a banana

 It's totally refreshing and such an easy way to get in 1-2 cups of leafy greens. The results are not the most photo worthy, since the raspberry keeps it from being really green, and the greens keep it from being really pink, but the balance of flavors is the best! To me it tastes like earthy-sweetness.

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